Frequently Asked Questions

  1. The number one asked question by far is also the most difficult to answer:

    Q: How much will it cost for a website?

    A: The Quick answer: It depends. - Ok, that is not the answer you are looking for so I would like to expand my answer.

    Your business is as unique as you are. Each website should be custom built to accomodate your business model.

    When purchasing regular advertising it is easy to put you in a box. Newspaper advertising is sold by size (a fixed cost per inch). You can put your message in a fixed area and pay a fixed price. Radio advertising is sold by time (a fixed cost per seconds). You can put your message in fixed time span and charge a fixed price.

    Websites cannot be easily boxed. Yes there are web site companies who advertise fixed prices but then you are usually limited in your content and functionality. In the many years I have been in business, I have not had one client who has the same needs and requirements as another client. It my policy not to limit you when the web offers multitudes of potential.

    I offer a no-cost no-obligation consultation to all potential clients. First I talk to you about your needs and expectations. Once I have an idea of what type of services you are looking for, I will put together a list if recommendations along with a price quote. Design quotes are made using a flat fee with optional items from which the site owner can pick and choose interactive and utility features for their Web site. The flat fee quote is based upon two components: (1) the number of hours we estimate it will take us to develop the design, inter activity, architecture and page layout of the site and (2) the number of hours we estimate it will take us to actually get your site's pages coded, tested and uploaded to a server.

    The majority of my business comes from customer referrals. I have found that it is not necessary to hard sell anyone who contacts me. If you chose to hire me to build your website, I will then prepare a contract which lists the costs, job specifications and time frames.

  2. Q: What the heck is ?????

    There are tons of web terms that you can insert in the above question. To help you I have compiled a list of web definitions that I hope will help you.

  3. Q: How Do I improve my search engine rankings.

    Search Engines are forever changing the way they rank websites in order to improve your search experience. There are many tips and tricks that have been used to increase positioning. The best way is to build a site that is relevant to the content you are providing. Sites that are built for humans with valid html code, have quality content and logical layouts will consistantly rank higher than sites that are not relevant. Feel free to contact me regarding your website and I will be glad to discuss your individual needs and offer recommendations on how you can improve your rankings and market your business. I have also prepared a page of Web Site Resources based on websites that I think would be helpful to you.

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