Web Design Portfolio

We have experience designing web sites and online marketing for many businesses - across many industries. Each web site is unique in look and feel and is custom designed to meet the objectives and marketing efforts need for the client. Let us use this experience to design or re-design your organization's web presence. Below is a sampling of our work.

Visit Manor House Kitchens

Services: Full web site redesign and maintenance, customer maintainable projects gallery web site hosting and search engine optimization (SEO).

Manor House Kitchens located in the Pittsburgh area. Web site established in 2006. A family owned and operated kitchen and bath company since 1966.

Bushy Run Battlefield.

Services: Web site design, maintenance and hosting, full e-commerce. Web site established in 2001.

The Bushy Run Battlefield. Jeannette, Pennsylvania. Provides information on the interpretive exhibit, "The March to Bushy Run" at the site's visitor center, as well as guided and self-guided tours, special events and educational programs at the museum.

Air Flow Technologies

Services: Initial web site design. Website established in 2001.

Air Flow Technologies. Gibsonia, Pennsylvania. A professional sales agency representing leading manufacturers offering innovative products and engineered solutions to industrial and commercial clients.

Additional Web sites that we have designed/maintained:

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